Registration Procedures


In order to register at Little Planet Preschool you will follow these steps:

  1. Schedule a tour HERE  or you can make an appointment with the Child Care Director by telephone or email. The Director will tour the center with prospective families and provide information on programs offerings, tuition rates,  policies, and procedures. This tour allows time for questions and explanations. Families and children are encouraged to visit. Families are encouraged to call the Director with any additional questions after their visit.
  2. If you would like to register, email the director.
  3. Pay the non-refundable registration fee.
  4. One we receive your registration fee, the director will send you all the required enrollment forms. The health form, signed by the doctor, must be returned within two weeks. Upon enrollment, families receive the Family Handbook which outlines the program as well as policies and procedures. If possible, additional visits prior to the start date are encouraged to familiarize the child with the program and his/her classroom.
  5. Once we receive your tuition, we will confirm your child’s enrollment!

Class Progression Policy

As we grow as a center we are anticipating future transitions of children. When we are ready to expand classrooms, you will receive a transition letter from the director. Currently enrolled families will have first priority in transitions. Children will progress to the next classroom based on their chronological age. If developmentally speaking, a child is behind, Little Planet Preschool will work with them to ensure their success in their new classroom. We do not hold children back.