Why Choose Little Planet Preschool Winchester

Why Choose Little Planet Preschool Winchester

Our award-winning preschool program offers an active learning philosophy that promotes intellectual growth, cognitive development, and social learning! Children learn best when they are active and moving. Early childhood education is the best way to achieve cognitive, social-emotional, and physical well-being of children. A carefully designed balance of quality experiences will prepare a child for a lifetime of learning.

Please see our daily schedule which we carefully designed for your kids:

7:30-8:45 AM – Arrival and Choice Time As children arrive, they are greeted by a teacher and welcomed into the classroom. Early arrivals may choose to eat their breakfast. Children chat with the teacher and engage in table activities (for example, playdough, puzzles, books, crayons, and small building toys) the teacher has set out.

8:45-9:00 AM – Clean-up/Bathroom/Wash hands Children help to put away their toys and get ready for snack time by using the bathroom and washing their hands.

9:00-9:30 AM – Snack / Bathroom Children gather to greet each other, share information, sing some songs or fingerplays, hear about activity choices and plan their day. After snack, the children use the bathroom.

9:30-10:15 AM – Outdoor Play Children select from a variety of large motor activities on our playground. Some activities may be planned by teachers. Children have the choice of selecting their own activities or joining a teacher-initiated activity.

10:15-10:30 AM – Circle Time Children gather to greet each other, share information, sing songs or fingerplays, listen to stories, and talk about what they are learning about that day.

10:30-11:15 AM – Activity & Choice Time During this time the teachers set up curriculum activities. Children choose from a variety of theme based activities. These play-based activities work on the following: Social Emotional Development, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Technology/Engineering, History and Social Science, and Arts. A teacher-initiated activity is also offered during this time as an additional choice for children. Children may select an area to play in during this time.

11:15-11:45 AM – Movement Time During this time we will do movement songs, yoga, fun movement games, etc. On certain scheduled days children will participate in gymnastics classes.

11:45-12:00 PM – Clean Up / Set up for Rest Children help put away their toys and get ready for nap time by making their cots.

12:00-12:45 PM – Wash Hands / Lunch / Bathrooms Children get ready for lunch by washing their hands. Children gather to eat their lunch and engage in conversations with their peers and teachers. After lunch time the children clean up their lunch and go to the bathroom.

12:45-1:00 PM – Quiet Book Time Children choose books to read on their cot before rest time. Children may read with a friend during this time. Some children may choose to rest quietly on their cot during this time.

1:00-3:00 PM – Rest Time Children rest on cots and have their blankets from home. Quiet music is played and the lights are dimmed. Some children choose to fall asleep while other relax. Children who do not sleep or who awaken early may chose quiet activities to do during this time.

3:00-3:30 PM – Bathroom / Wash Hands / Snack Children help to put away their blankets and get ready for snack time by using the bathroom and washing their hands. Children gather to eat their snacks and engage in conversations with their peers and teachers.

3:30-4:15 PM – Outdoor Play Children select from a variety of large motor activities on our playground. Some activities may be planned by teachers. Children have the choice of selecting their own activities or joining a teacher-initiated activity. Children return to the classroom, using the bathroom and washing their hands.

4:15-5:00 PM – Choice Time Activities are similar to those offered in the morning. Children can choose areas of play, alone or with others. Some children may choose to continue the teacher-initiated activity. Teachers engage with the children in small group or individually.

5:00-5:30 PM – Clean-up / Quiet Activities Children clean up their activities and move to quieter activities to end their day. Table activities and sensory materials are placed out for children based on their interests. The teacher and children engage in conversations individually or in small groups. Children who are hungry may choose to eat again from snacks in their lunchboxes. Children reflect on their day with their teacher.

Little Planet Preschool has a curriculum that is aligned with the expectations defined by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care Guidelines for Preschool and Kindergarten Learning Experiences. Our play-based curriculum allows the children to learn by doing. Here at Little Planet we have a strong emphasis on MOVING! This combined with our strong emphasis on education offers a fun, engaging, challenging program for children to grow.

Schedule a tour, we are happy to see you at Little Planet Preschool.

movement-based learning
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